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How to Develop a Shopify Store with a Custom UI Using Figma + Dualite

We developed a real-time eCommerce application in Figma utilising Dualite's React Component. Subsequently, we transformed it into a Shopify template and launched it on Netlify using the code generated by Dualite. Here's the step-by-step process.

Before Getting Started:

1. Register for Dualite.

2. Install the Figma plugin.

3. Ensure Node.js is installed on your system.

Creating an Interactive Design:

Utilise Dualite's React Component within Figma to craft an interactive eCommerce design. Either start from scratch or duplicate our sample file to kickstart your project.

Transitioning from Figma to React Using Dualite:

Once satisfied with your design, export it as developer-friendly React code through Dualite. Follow these steps:

Step 1: Synchronise with Dualite

   - Launch the Dualite plugin within Figma.

   - Login with Figma

   - Paste the Figma URL

   - Select the Figma design that needs to be converted to React

   - Select React from the drop-down

   - Copy the code, or directly preview it in CodeSandbox!

And you're done!

You can try the product today here and see high quality production-level React code from your favourite Figma designs being converted seamlessly.

Creating a Shopify Project with Dualite:

Utilise the exported React code to develop another project with essential Shopify features. Follow these steps:

   - Refer to our guide to set up a Shopify template.

   - Prepare your Shopify template for deployment to Netlify.

Combining Both Projects:

Merge the projects generated by Dualite and Shopify’s Hydrogen library:

   - Update dependencies in the package.json file.

   - Modify the jsconfig.json file.

   - Organise assets and CSS files.

   - Transfer components and adjust any necessary routes.

   - Establish connections with the Shopify API.

Adding Cart and Checkout Functionality:

Implement a cart and checkout system using  Shopify's Hydrogen library. Follow these steps:

   - Create necessary components for the cart and UI.

   - Integrate context within your app.

   - Implement the cart functionality and render products accordingly.

Implementing Tailwind CSS for Responsiveness:

Utilise Tailwind CSS to ensure responsiveness across all pages of your Shopify store:

   - Install and configure Tailwind CSS.

   - Integrate Tailwind CSS classes into your templates.

   - Ensure each page displays correctly based on screen size.

Building & Publishing to Netlify:

Deploy your Shopify store to Netlify for seamless hosting:

   - Follow Netlify's deployment guide.

   - Connect your repository to Netlify for automated deployment.

Explore and Customise:

Access our Figma file, inspect the code, and explore the live app to witness the seamless integration of Dualite into your Shopify store.

Ready to revolutionise your tech stack with Dualite? Sign up now or book a demo.


Can I use Dualite with any Figma design?

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Yes, Dualite's React Component can be integrated into any Figma design, allowing you to create interactive eCommerce applications effortlessly.

Is Dualite's React code compatible with Shopify templates?

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Absolutely! The React code generated by Dualite can be seamlessly incorporated into Shopify templates, enabling you to customize your store's UI with ease.

How difficult is it to add cart and checkout functionality to my Shopify store?

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Adding cart and checkout functionality is made straightforward with Shopify's Hydrogen library. With our guide, you'll be able to implement these features seamlessly.

Why is Tailwind CSS recommended for ensuring responsiveness in Shopify stores?

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Tailwind CSS offers a utility-first approach to styling, making it highly efficient for ensuring responsiveness across various screen sizes, which is crucial for an optimal user experience.

Can I deploy my Shopify store on other hosting platforms besides Netlify?

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While our guide focuses on deploying your Shopify store on Netlify, you can adapt the deployment process to other hosting platforms as needed, leveraging the flexibility of Dualite-generated code.

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